Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Expansion Scapes!

Expansion Scapes

Hi everyone!

Thank you for coming and I would like to briefly introduce myself here and welcome you to my blog!

My name is Olga. 

I have been experiencing past life memories, visions and various experiences beyond this 3D reality since childhood, but I never talked about it much because I was taught not to and I felt that I would be ridiculed and not taken seriously if I did. 

These visions, in combination of thinking that I had to hide them, had taken me on a rather strange and extreme journey of my life. Only now, at 35, I had decided to become my true self and not hide behind a made-up persona anymore.

This blog is where I will document the amazing journey I am now embarking on to live as my true authentic self

On this journey, I plan to tap into the structure of our universe and document it, since this is pretty much the core topic, which has been shown to me since childhood when I still couldn't control or initiate my visions. 

The structure of our universe beyond this 3D realm and how it functions has been my passion in life always. I will cover topics, like how souls reincarnate, the Akashic Records, how we can make the best of our lives, finding our purpose, and living authentically. 

I started to and will cover the topic of various symbols and energies, which influence us and which we can tap into as well in an aware manner.

I have opened a YouTube channel, called Expansion Scapes, where I am going to record various experiences and realizations about this beautiful world and our experience in it. Please come and enjoy it!

I have also published a book, based on my spiritual Third Eye visions and experiences, which I hope will stimulate Third Eye opening in any one, who reads it. 

It is called Tales of the Spirit and the Divine. It is a collection of spiritual fiction short stories and poems. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy it!

I am planning to hold a free giveaway of my book, but I don't know how to do it yet :) 

Hey, it's a process :)

Please also check out my Expansion Scapes site, which is constantly being updated. In there, you can find a bunch of cool things, like:

  • Find out how you can open your Third Eye, experience and interpret spiritual Third Eye visions.
  • Discover Astrology with me, as I psychically connect to each planet, zodiac sign, and energies of different planets in different zodiac signs. Later I will do the same for each of the twelve houses.
  • Discover the Norse Elder Futhark Runes with me as I connect to each of their energies, report on what I encounter and what transformation I experience in life, as a result. I'm doing this with a few very wonderful friends of mine and we have called this project the Shamanic Cycle of Initiation. Discover why on my site and join our journey at any time at your own pace!
  • Find out about Shamanic Healing Art and how to use it for your personal healing and transformation.
I am lucky to have found a wonderful teacher, Healer Paula, who I am studying the foundations of Shamanism with, and learning how to be a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, which I hope I can offer to anyone, who wants it, after I develop my skills in it.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Join me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter, so we can share our experiences and support each other in our Third Eye / psychic projects and achievements.

Do say hello and you are welcome to join my projects, of course! 

Wishing you all wicked Expansion Scapes, everyone! 

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