Saturday, January 2, 2021

Shamanic Healing Art


What if there were another kind of medicine available out there? Unique and specific to the person and issue to be healed? I call it "visual medicine".

It Came from My Childhood...

Being a very visual person, having had spiritual visions from other realms and lifetimes since I was a child, I feel an intimate connection to visual imagery and symbolism.

When I see a vision, it’s as if I am reading, or even drinking in the meaning, the knowledge of the images I see in front of me. The images may be simple or complicated, may be moving around, vibrating, changing colors, going through a metamorphosis, smelling like something, playing music, singing, tasting like something, feeling like particular emotions, etc., etc.

Before, when I had less trust in myself, I used to brush all of those meanings aside and I would seek confirmation of what the images meant on the Internet and in books.

I would search for meanings behind different symbols I would see in my visions, like the snake eating its tail, different animals that would show up, different colors, shapes, hand gestures, places and occurrences of nature, etc., etc.

When I would read pages and pages of what those symbols meant, I would skip over the parts that I would not resonate with and I would get overly excited about the parts that triggered the feeling of truth in me. Later, I found out that those triggers of truth were actually confirmations to myself that I had gotten the messages correctly.

Then I began studying shamanism with a teacher. More specifically, I started studying shamanic healing practices. I learned to trust myself and listen to myself more.

As a result, I rarely ever go to search for meanings of visual messages online or in books anymore. I just know. It feels amazing to just know something, without self-doubt and without feeling the need for anyone else to agree with you or confirm anything. 

The Desire to Reproduce Images on Paper

I always wanted to draw the images I would see in my visions, but they were so complicated and always transforming, so I felt like that was an impossible thing to do.

In shamanism, I learned to interact with my visions better. I actually learned how to see an image in such a way that it was reproducible on paper and still carry the meaning and the beneficial energy it was originally intended to carry.

So I decided to experiment and meditate on my mom, as she was going through something tough at that time. I asked her soul/higher self/subconscious, however we may choose to call that true self deep inside all of us, to show me what needed to be healed and what images would trigger the right kind of healing for her and deliver the right kind of healing energy and message her way.

I then drew the imagery I received from her own deep self and gave it to her. The overwhelming emotional response I got from her was my confirmation.

I was happy to see that the images triggered a warmth and happiness in her, and a sense of pleasure from being understood, heard, and cared for. I felt that I was not the only one, who had gifted her something healing and transformative. Something else came through my drawing that only she understood and had connection with. That drawing is the image that goes with this article, of course.

I was also called to add an ancient Elder Futhark rune, called Fehu, to the drawing. In fact, it was Fehu that came through to help my mom.

It felt very rewarding to be a kind of postman, converting messages from the invisible realms to 3D paper, which would then be “read” by the intended receiver, my mom.

I added energy work to the drawing and my own intentions while I was drawing. This seemed to have completed the “visual medicine”, that came through. 

So How do Images Speak?

I have learned that visual imagery affects us on a deep inner spiritual level. Every person is unique and they have their own "dictionary" of symbols and what they mean to them.

I am referring to the images that "speak" without words on a deep inner intuitive/psychic level to each personality and soul individually. Yes, images also have a collective meaning as well, but we have a personal visual "language" in our inner world, too.

It has come to me, as I dove deep, long, and frequently into third-eye meditations, delving into visual imagery, sacred geometry, ancient symbolism, natural world imagery, and their meaning, influence, triggering specific healing us, and that this is how "visual medicine" functions, available for all of us to tap into.

After I began learning shamanic healing practices with my teacher and experimenting with what I learned, I realized that I could connect to a person's soul/higher self/subconscious, whatever way we would like to organize that deeper, inner us, beyond space, matter, and time, and I could ask it what healing it would like right now the most and what imagery would be most influential for triggering transformation and healing on that deep level of our experience.

This is how my Shamanic Healing Art works. I reproduce the images I receive from your inner, deeper self, call it soul, higher self or the subconscious, on paper and you get to see those images in this 3D experience, transcending the physical and the deep soul level, being transformed and healed in a very personalized and unique way.

How Can You Benefit from Shamanic Healing Art?

You can contact me and book a session with me, where I would connect to your deeper self, your soul/higher self/subconscious and receive the images that you would benefit most from seeing.

You do not need to be a visual person or understand symbolism or any kind of imagery. It would happen naturally and with no effort on your part. Having the desire to be healed is the only thing that is needed from you.

Please do let me know what you think of this kind of visual healing in the comments below.


I wish you an amazing journey, filled with Love, Light and Life!


Wicked Expansions Scapes, everyone!



Monday, December 7, 2020

It's Impossible! - How to Overcome Blocks to Open Your Third Eye and Develop Psychic Perception

Third eye in the center of a purple mandala.

    Whether you have already developed your third eye, psychic perception or not, the mainstream community generally believes that third eye, psychic perception is impossible.

    Academia may not consider third eye, psychic perception worthy of serious attention, because it cannot be proven and it cannot be replicated with identical results. In other words, if most people say that they can’t perceive the energy of this room or can’t communicate with a particular entity, then this simply does not exist.

    Even though there are some, who dedicate their efforts to finding various kinds of proof of these abilities, the mainstream society we live in generally does not consider this seriously.

    Whether we like it or not, we are social beings and society has great influence over us. We do have a natural need to feel accepted by other human beings and we often do let society norms override what we personally experience for ourselves.

    I once told a close, trusted person about my visions. He told me that I should never talk about things like that to anyone in my life, because it will create great difficulties for me. People would not take me seriously, people would not want to work with me and give me jobs because I could not be trusted with serious and real things, and people would think that I may be crazy. This person had good intentions and I am not angry or regretful that I actually followed his advice for a good fifteen years.

    The point is, our social environment does influence us. Our social environment can and does form our beliefs, and our social environment can even get us to doubt ourselves and not trust ourselves, even though we may know something to be true in our bones, but because it is considered impossible by everybody else, we may end up distrusting ourselves and overriding our own perceptions of the world, replacing our own experience with what is generally accepted and respected by the majority.

    When I sit down to meditate and have my Third Eye visions, Out of Body Experiences (OBE), psychic communications, I sometimes catch myself thinking:

    "Hey! What are you doing? The Third Eye is just a myth! Psychic communication is impossible! Everyone says so! You are imagining things!"

    The general belief that psychic communication is impossible is a significant block for me and I suspect for many others as well, even if we have been doing it for years and years. Since childhood, even.


How is it possible to overcome this block?

    First of all, just being aware of it can be effective. Just being aware of why you are doubting your own experiences in favor of generally accepted norms, can be refreshing.

    Whenever you catch yourself doubting yourself and your experiences, try asking yourself aloud:

“I am doubting myself because mainstream society has led me to believe that what I am experiencing is not possible."

    Second, surrounding yourself with more people like you, who have these abilities and respect you for your true self is helpful, just as I mentioned in my previous article on Negative Social Stigma around Third Eye / Psychic perception.

    Third, you can periodically prove your experiences to yourself from time to time. If you offer readings, ask for feedback. People’s feedback, especially on how much you have helped them, can overwrite some of the negative beliefs of mainstream society.

    If you did not yet develop your third eye, psychic perception, I’m sure that you have had some kind of experiences, which prompted you to go into this to begin with. Revisit them, remember them and remember how true it felt. 

    Ask yourself if you are ready to let go of these experiences forever, chucking them up to impossible and simple childish imagination. If you are not ready to do so, you will remember how important this is for you and how passionate you are about pursuing these abilities.

    Finally, read about and listen to others' Third Eye / psychic experiences, how they overcame their blocks, negative social stigma, self-doubt and more. Learning from other people's struggles and breakthroughs has helped me a lot in building my own confidence and trust in myself. 

    I wish you a wonderful journey of self exploration and discovery of our universe in new and fascinating colors, sights, smells, sounds and a deep knowing, that comes with trusting and loving yourself

    Wicked Expansion Scapes to you, fellow traveler!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Negative Social Stigma: Overcoming Blocks to Open Your Third Eye & Develop Psychic Perception

       It may seem like the judgements of other people should not be a reason for us not to pursue something we love, but negative social stigma or negative social pressure can be and is a common block to developing Third Eye and psychic perception. 

    The purpose of this article is to bring attention to the negative social stigma, that is attached to Third Eye perception and psychic abilities. Just being aware of the social pressure, we are often exposed to regarding our Third Eye and psychic perception, can help us deal with it.

    We all grow up in different social environments, where we are taught different beliefs, judgements, values and so on. Some are explicitly taught to us and some are instilled by the behavior we witness as we grow up.

    I feel that a lot of people share this issue. When I was growing up, when we would see some TV shows about psychics, I would hear people around me comment negatively about psychics. 

"Charlatans! Liars! Posers! Pretenders!"

"How shameless! Taking advantage of gullible people!"

"Poor people, who believe that they actually see stuff!"

"It’s so obvious they are lying!"

"You have to be really stupid to believe them and if you can’t see their deception, well then you deserve to be taken advantage of!"

    Even right now, as I am writing about my Third Eye perception and psychic abilities, I feel embarrassed, uncomfortable and that something is cringing inside of me. This is how deep-rooted this block is for me and I bet for many others, too.

    How does negative social stigma really bother people, interested in and working with Third Eye perception and psychic abilities?

1. Not being able to talk about it openly and honestly without sounding naïve, deceptive and crazy.

2. When actually opening up about it, constantly facing judging comments and looks from others, including one's own loved ones.

3. Letting these negative judgements seep in and cause interference when working on actual Third Eye / psychic meditation, perception and communication.

    I noticed that just being aware that these kinds of beliefs, instilled in me since childhood, are powerfully blocking me from pursuing my authentic, true heart’s desires and interests, makes it so much clearer of what I need to overcome to be my authentic self.

    This negative social stigma is not just limited to the past. In today’s mainstream social culture, Third Eye / psychic perception is something not to be taken seriously, a lie or just rich imagination.

    This block slows down not only people, who grew up surrounded by this negative social stigma, but it is also an obstacle for those, who grew up in families, where psychic powers were generally accepted and respected, because these people still have to face the mainstream social environment today.

How can this block be overcome?

    My solution so far has been to spend less time with people, who do not believe in or respect my interests and to find and surround myself with people, who do support my interests in Third Eye / psychic communication.

    I have searched for and found people, who have these abilities, who are working on developing them further, who are working on finding new applications for their perception, and who enjoy sharing their experiences and realizations in an open and honest way.

    When your social environment does not support you, create one that does.

    When we change our social environment, we are also removing the influence of this negative social stigma about Third Eye perception and psychic abilities. It becomes much easier to pursue those interests, being surrounded by supporting and loving people, as opposed to those who do not support you.

    I do not mean that it is a good idea to radically disengage yourself from your current friends and family and search for a completely new community at all. Small steps and small changes can be very effective instead.

    I can think of two reasons why it may not be a good idea to drastically disengage from your current society and move somewhere far away and live in a small community of people. Although that may be a choice for some people and they may be completely happy about it, but here are two things to consider from my perspective and experience.

    First, when people drastically cut themselves off from one society and seclude themselves in a smaller sub-society, this creates a great breeding ground for all sorts of new unhealthy and distorted beliefs, values and behaviors. 

    This is closely related to various religious cults and sects, where things can go even worse than in the society you try to move away from. 

    Unfortunately, I speak from some unpleasant personal experience here. In any case, if a highly populated mainstream society can have unhealthy beliefs, values and actions, then why can’t a smaller society develop them? It’s possible that you could be exchanging one thing you don’t like for another thing that later you might realize is even worse.

    The second reason why it may not be a good idea to drastically disengage from your current society and move somewhere far away and live in a small community of people is that if one of your ultimate goals is to give back to humanity, to help people using your third eye, psychic gifts and abilities, then it is much harder to do from a disengaged society

    To be able to help people with certain problems, it helps to know these problems, be engaged with these problems and care about these problems. For this reason, it makes sense to stay in your community.

    The extent to which you change your social environment is, of course, a personal matter and decision. Everybody has their own freedom of will to exercise and to choose one’s path to walk.

    Let's stay connected and support each other with our Third Eye / psychic development. Join me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so we can share our experiences and support each other in our Third Eye / psychic projects and achievements.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Expansion Scapes!

Expansion Scapes

Hi everyone!

Thank you for coming and I would like to briefly introduce myself here and welcome you to my blog!

My name is Olga. 

I have been experiencing past life memories, visions and various experiences beyond this 3D reality since childhood, but I never talked about it much because I was taught not to and I felt that I would be ridiculed and not taken seriously if I did. 

These visions, in combination of thinking that I had to hide them, had taken me on a rather strange and extreme journey of my life. Only now, at 35, I had decided to become my true self and not hide behind a made-up persona anymore.

This blog is where I will document the amazing journey I am now embarking on to live as my true authentic self

On this journey, I plan to tap into the structure of our universe and document it, since this is pretty much the core topic, which has been shown to me since childhood when I still couldn't control or initiate my visions. 

The structure of our universe beyond this 3D realm and how it functions has been my passion in life always. I will cover topics, like how souls reincarnate, the Akashic Records, how we can make the best of our lives, finding our purpose, and living authentically. 

I started to and will cover the topic of various symbols and energies, which influence us and which we can tap into as well in an aware manner.

I have opened a YouTube channel, called Expansion Scapes, where I am going to record various experiences and realizations about this beautiful world and our experience in it. Please come and enjoy it!

I have also published a book, based on my spiritual Third Eye visions and experiences, which I hope will stimulate Third Eye opening in any one, who reads it. 

It is called Tales of the Spirit and the Divine. It is a collection of spiritual fiction short stories and poems. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy it!

I am planning to hold a free giveaway of my book, but I don't know how to do it yet :) 

Hey, it's a process :)

Please also check out my Expansion Scapes site, which is constantly being updated. In there, you can find a bunch of cool things, like:

  • Find out how you can open your Third Eye, experience and interpret spiritual Third Eye visions.
  • Discover Astrology with me, as I psychically connect to each planet, zodiac sign, and energies of different planets in different zodiac signs. Later I will do the same for each of the twelve houses.
  • Discover the Norse Elder Futhark Runes with me as I connect to each of their energies, report on what I encounter and what transformation I experience in life, as a result. I'm doing this with a few very wonderful friends of mine and we have called this project the Shamanic Cycle of Initiation. Discover why on my site and join our journey at any time at your own pace!
  • Find out about Shamanic Healing Art and how to use it for your personal healing and transformation.
I am lucky to have found a wonderful teacher, Healer Paula, who I am studying the foundations of Shamanism with, and learning how to be a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, which I hope I can offer to anyone, who wants it, after I develop my skills in it.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Join me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter, so we can share our experiences and support each other in our Third Eye / psychic projects and achievements.

Do say hello and you are welcome to join my projects, of course! 

Wishing you all wicked Expansion Scapes, everyone! 

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Shamanic Healing Art

  What if there were another kind of medicine available out there? Unique and specific to the person and issue to be healed? I call it &qu...