Monday, December 7, 2020

It's Impossible! - How to Overcome Blocks to Open Your Third Eye and Develop Psychic Perception

Third eye in the center of a purple mandala.

    Whether you have already developed your third eye, psychic perception or not, the mainstream community generally believes that third eye, psychic perception is impossible.

    Academia may not consider third eye, psychic perception worthy of serious attention, because it cannot be proven and it cannot be replicated with identical results. In other words, if most people say that they can’t perceive the energy of this room or can’t communicate with a particular entity, then this simply does not exist.

    Even though there are some, who dedicate their efforts to finding various kinds of proof of these abilities, the mainstream society we live in generally does not consider this seriously.

    Whether we like it or not, we are social beings and society has great influence over us. We do have a natural need to feel accepted by other human beings and we often do let society norms override what we personally experience for ourselves.

    I once told a close, trusted person about my visions. He told me that I should never talk about things like that to anyone in my life, because it will create great difficulties for me. People would not take me seriously, people would not want to work with me and give me jobs because I could not be trusted with serious and real things, and people would think that I may be crazy. This person had good intentions and I am not angry or regretful that I actually followed his advice for a good fifteen years.

    The point is, our social environment does influence us. Our social environment can and does form our beliefs, and our social environment can even get us to doubt ourselves and not trust ourselves, even though we may know something to be true in our bones, but because it is considered impossible by everybody else, we may end up distrusting ourselves and overriding our own perceptions of the world, replacing our own experience with what is generally accepted and respected by the majority.

    When I sit down to meditate and have my Third Eye visions, Out of Body Experiences (OBE), psychic communications, I sometimes catch myself thinking:

    "Hey! What are you doing? The Third Eye is just a myth! Psychic communication is impossible! Everyone says so! You are imagining things!"

    The general belief that psychic communication is impossible is a significant block for me and I suspect for many others as well, even if we have been doing it for years and years. Since childhood, even.


How is it possible to overcome this block?

    First of all, just being aware of it can be effective. Just being aware of why you are doubting your own experiences in favor of generally accepted norms, can be refreshing.

    Whenever you catch yourself doubting yourself and your experiences, try asking yourself aloud:

“I am doubting myself because mainstream society has led me to believe that what I am experiencing is not possible."

    Second, surrounding yourself with more people like you, who have these abilities and respect you for your true self is helpful, just as I mentioned in my previous article on Negative Social Stigma around Third Eye / Psychic perception.

    Third, you can periodically prove your experiences to yourself from time to time. If you offer readings, ask for feedback. People’s feedback, especially on how much you have helped them, can overwrite some of the negative beliefs of mainstream society.

    If you did not yet develop your third eye, psychic perception, I’m sure that you have had some kind of experiences, which prompted you to go into this to begin with. Revisit them, remember them and remember how true it felt. 

    Ask yourself if you are ready to let go of these experiences forever, chucking them up to impossible and simple childish imagination. If you are not ready to do so, you will remember how important this is for you and how passionate you are about pursuing these abilities.

    Finally, read about and listen to others' Third Eye / psychic experiences, how they overcame their blocks, negative social stigma, self-doubt and more. Learning from other people's struggles and breakthroughs has helped me a lot in building my own confidence and trust in myself. 

    I wish you a wonderful journey of self exploration and discovery of our universe in new and fascinating colors, sights, smells, sounds and a deep knowing, that comes with trusting and loving yourself

    Wicked Expansion Scapes to you, fellow traveler!

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